JavaGroup session #10 – výročná

Tentokrát sme si pre vás pripravili niečo extra. Na výročnú Java Group s číslom 10 sa sťahujeme do väčších priestorov Connect Coworking-u.
Nielen to, bude aj zahraničný spíker a evangelista Java EE, s ktorým sa spojíme na diaľku až do USA. Zabezpečiť túto zaujimavú prednášku ako aj občerstvenie a priestor na akciu nám pomohlo Oracle.
  • Arun Gupta (@arungupta) Code-driven introduction to the Java EE 7 Platform (video-presentation in english) 
The Java EE 7 platform focuses on Productivity and HTML5. JAX-RS 2adds a new Client API to invoke the RESTful endpoints, allows asynchronous client/server, and server-side content negotiation. JMS 2 is undergoing a complete overhaul to align with improvements in the
Java language. Long awaited Batch Processing API and Concurrency are now added to build applications using capabilities of the platform itself. Together these APIs allow you to be more productive by simplifying enterprise development.
The Java EE 7 platform was recently released. This code-driven talk will provide an introduction to the platform. Don’t miss out on this session to learn all about how to leverage the new and exciting standards in building your next enterprise application.


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